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Virtual and Digital Class rooms

Virtual and Digital Class rooms


The is having virtual and digital class room facility. 

The Digital classroom is a "Technology-enabled" learning environment where Student learning and Interaction with the Teacher and Peers is fully supported through strategic use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Some of the core benefits of the Digital Classroom Solutions are as follows:

  • Empower Teachers and Students using Modern ICT tools
  • Developing future skills in students such as critical thinking, creativity and communication
  • Creating a unique platform for Teachers to think out of the box and built concept development skills
  • Stimulate mind of Students to explore and understand real life application of Maths, Science and other subject concept

ICT Room no-16
ICT Room no-34
ICT Commerce com lab
ICT Physics lab
ICT Computer lab
ICT Polytechnic
Seminar hall
ICT Class rooms
Computer Bills
ICT Extension Lab (Polytechnic)
Internet speed upgradation