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Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)

Key Indicator – 4.1 Physical Facilities (30)


4.1.1 Availability of adequate infrastructure and physical facilities viz., classrooms, laboratories, ICT infrastructure, facilities for cultural and sports activities, gymnasium, yoga center etc. in the institution (QlM)


Land & Buildings-availability: The College spreads over an area of nearly 45000 square meters (slightly more than eleven acres, and build area of 20000 square meters, with huge palatial main heritage administrative building in picturesque surroundings facing Bay of Bengal at heart of the City of Destiny, Visakhapatnam in East Coast of India in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Class rooms & Laboratories-facilities: The College has the best laboratories. All our laboratories are  well equipped in terms of equipment and furniture. Nobel laureate Sir C V Raman has got the idea of light scattering and blue colour of sky when observed from the college physics classroom. Zoology museum has rare specimens (human fetuses and brains)  suitable for students and staff who are pursuing research work.  The chemistry lab is extending laboratory services of recruitment laboratory tests for HPCL.  Botany lab laminar air flow is useful for microbial plating. Three new classrooms are constructed in VUDA block with financial support from IOCL, as part of its CSR initiative. Additional toilets for staff members and students are being constructed behind Raman Square with the help of CSR funds sanctioned by HPCL. Maintenance work of the playground in the college has been undertaken with financial support from HPCL-CSR funds. 


ICT facilities: Establishment of smart class rooms with RUSA funds has been initiated to enhance effective usage of ICT based teaching. There is an IT Policy in the college, which ensures optimal maintenance and utilization of IT infrastructure for the benefit of students. Two computer labs and computers in the library and Information sciences department with 160 computers are available to the students. It is assigned the task of purchase and upgradation of systems and software, maintenance of equipment and disposal of e-waste. 

The college has a wi-fi facility with 150 mbps (ACT internet). The computers are in good running condition, looked after by a permanent technician. Sufficient number of printers are ready for use. Students and faculty use INFLIBNET-NList for books,journals. Entire College is under CCTV surveillance. Students are presenting seminars regularly using ICT tools in these class rooms.

Sports activities: Indoor stadium (Badminton Academy) is constructed with the help of UGC funds. Inter collegiate Handball, Target ball and net ball, Volleyball, etc sports meets are conducted in collaboration with the sports associations. The students have achieved merit certificates and medals at University, National and International level

Gymnasium: Mechanical gymnastics facilities are arranged in the college. Separate timings are maintained for men and women. Yoga center is arranged for students and staff in college seminar hall and open space

Bank & Canten: Indian Bank branch is functioning in the college campus. Two cantens are catering to the needs of the students.




4.1.2 Percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years (INR in Lakhs) Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs)  (QnM)








INR in lakhs







4.1.2 & 4.1.4 Fund allocation-Infra augmentation.docx Fund allocation-excluding salary.docx Expenditure Funds Allocation


4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)

4.2.1. Library automation using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), subscription to e-resources including provision of links to OER repositories, amount spent on purchase of books, journals and usage of library.

Write description in a maximum of 500 words (QlM)


Integrated Learning Management system: Library is using OPAC (Online Process Access Catalog) for easy identification of the books in the library. 

Books are arranged in the racks as per the subjects. Reference books, competitive magazines are maintained separately. The competitive magazines are displayed on the table for ready reading.As per the policy document, the Learning Resource Centre is managed by a librarian assisted by 01 Assistant librarian, 02 Record assistants and 01 Office subordinate. The library staff ensures the best maintenance

and utilization of library infrastructure. Preserve the century old and out-of- Infrastructure / Instrumentation print books available in the library, by digitizing them. 

Subscription to e-resources: Subscribe for more journals, e-books and websites. Library has a subscription for INFLIBNET. Large number of e journals, books, and thesis are available through these subscriptions.

Usage of Library: The walk-ins and log-ins are recorded daily.

Open Education Repositories (OER): 

Purchase of books, journals:


Library OPAC Library subscription subscription reciepts student accession register.docx


Key Indicator- 4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)


4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet connection. Write description in a maximum of 500 words (QlM)


There is an IT Policy in the college, which ensures optimal maintenance and utilization of IT infrastructure for the benefit of students.  The college constantly updates its IT facilities such as Wi-Fi bandwidth and computer hardware.  Upgrading the IT infrastructure is carried out at the beginning of academic year based on the suggestions from the in-charges of the departments.The Department of Computer Science takes stock of the need for the maintenance,replacement,up-gradation or addition of the existing ICT infrastructural facility keeping in view of the budgetary constraints.The college appoints technician for  regular maintenance of IT facilities on the campus besides annual maintenance of computers. It has  assigned the task of purchase and upgradation of systems and software, maintenance of equipment and disposal of e-waste to the college purchase committee. 


The college have wi-fi facility with 150 mbps (ACT internet). The computers are in good running condition, looked after by a permanent technician. Sufficient number of printers are ready for use. Students and faculty use INFLIBNET-NList for books, journals with the help of Wi-Fi facility. Entire college is under CC TV surveillance.

Two computer labs with 166 computers with 15 KV power backup. The college firmly believes that usage of ICT facilities and other technological tools are important for the college development in tune with the vision and mission of the college. The technology helps in providing quality education for all.

LCD projectors and interactive classrooms make curricular transactions more effective. The institution has one virtual class room and one e-class room.Virtual class room confers video conferencing facilities. 10 Internet access points with 150 mbps are arranged in the college and these access points are frequently monitored.

Biometric attendance for staff is introduced in the college. Student admissions are done centrally using OAMDC portal maintained by the Govt of A.P., APSCHE. Help desk is monitoring and assisting the new students. Student examination details are entered through the University examination portal. Student and staff details are maintained through RUSA e governance portal. All these activities are made possible with the internet access points with sufficient bandwidth.


4.3.1 IT Facilities (Maintenance).docx 4.3.1 IT Facilities (Maintenance).docx Student Computer Ratio.docx 


The department of computer science uses softwares for academic purposes such as WINDOWS Operating Systems, MS-Office, C & C++ Compiler, Oracle 10g Express Edition, XAMPP web server, Web browsers. We have upgraded operating systems from WINDOWS 7 to WINDOWS 10, JAVA FROM JDK 6 to JDK 8.     

4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) Qnm Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic year 166

1152-166 = 11 Student Computer Ratio.docx List of computers with bills.docx 4.3.1 IT Facilities (Maintenance).docx 4.3.2 


Key Indicator – 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure (20)

4.4.1 Percentage of expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)  (QnM) Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs) (QnM)

YEAR 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
INR in Lakhs 14.73166 15.863315 51.3454 36.81982 12.6713736


Number of footfalls 2023-24