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Criterion 6- Governance, Leadership and Management (100) 


Key Indicator- 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership (15)


6.1.1 The governance and leadership is in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participation in the institutional governance. Write description in a maximum of 500 words (QlM)


The college vision is providing  Quality education for all sections of the society. The following mission statements are adopted to achieve the mission goal. Skill development, Certificate and add-on courses are conducted along with the mainstream courses. Quality education, at an affordable cost, is imparted to students from socially and economically backward sections of the society. Industry Linkages and MOU’s are arranged for the creation of employment opportunities, internships, field visits and on-job training. Student centric activities are practiced in the institute to achieve academic excellence. 


Students and faculty members  are involved in all the policy making bodies, statutory and  to encourage decentralization and improvement in the governance.

The Principal, Dean/vice principal, IQAC Coordinator, Heads of the Department and office superintendent are supervising the academic and administrative activities of the college.


The principal and college funds mobilization committee members have obtained financial support from the IOCL and HPCL under Corporate social responsibility funds. The principal is actively involved in establishing contacts with the industry, Aurobindo, IOCL, HPCL for obtaining internship and on-job training opportunities for students. One B Com student has got an Indian Space Organization (ISRO) internship. The college is supporting all government activities, like rallies, campaigns, surveys. The college is organizing the state and central government recruitment exams besides university exams. CORONA isolated center is arranged in the college as per the directions of the District collector.


Key Indicator- 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (12)

6.2.1 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, deployment of institutional Strategic/ perspective/development plan etc Write description in a maximum of 500 words  (QlM)


The policy document for the functioning of the college is prepared and placed in the Governing body is the apex body of the college. There are more than 10-12 members in the executive council such as president, secretary, treasurer, and other members from different walks of life. The District Collector is  chairman for the body. The governing body sanction posts appoints teaching,  non-teaching staff and observing due procedures as per the guidelines of the UGC and  State Government.

Students and staff are members of all the institutional committees. Various institutional bodies of the college  assist the principal and management in the functioning of the college. Staff Council, funds mobilization committee, examination committee, women empowerment cell, grievance redressal committee, admissions committee, anti ragging committee, SC/ST Cell, OBC committee, Internal complaints cell, skill development council are the important committees. Staff council will take decisions on important academic and administrative matters. The institute has been sanctioned UGC, RUSA funds for the development college. Womens hostel and indoor stadium is constructed with these funds besides equipment and research grants. The funds mobilization committee has obtained CSR funds.. Examination committee deals with the internal exams schedule, conduct of exams, posting of marks on the University examination website, and records the students' results. Student exam related grievances are forwarded to the grievance redressal committee for time bound action. Admissions committee forms teams to visit feeding colleges to increase the gross enrollment ratio. Anti anti-ragging committee conducts orientation classes to dispel the fear among the junior students and maintain a ragging free campus. SC/ST Cell and OBC cell assist the students in registering their details in the Govt scholarship website and conduct special career counseling camps. Internal complaints cell organizes seminars on gender sensitization and social media distraction. Projects and internships are supervised by the staff council.


6.2.2 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

1. Administration

 2. Finance and Accounts 

3. Student Admission and Support 

4. Examination 

Options: A. All of the above 

B. Any 3 of the above 

C. Any 2 of the above 

D. Any 1 of the above 

E. None of the above


E Governance 6.2.3 SOP 6.2.2


Key Indicator- 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies (33)

6.3.1 The institution has Performance Appraisal System, effective welfare measures for  teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development and progression (Qlm)


Performance Appraisal System: The academic and administrative performance is evaluated annually for all the teaching staff as per the norms of the UGC 2016. The academic performance index database is maintained centrally by the A P Commissionerate of Collegiate education for all the Government and private aided colleges in the Andhra Pradesh state. The college database of appraisal systems is available between 2017-18 to 2020-21. From next year onwards, it is available on the college website.

The performance of the non-teaching staff is reviewed annually based on guidelines given in the policy document. The performance is recorded in the service registers of the personnel as Annual Confidential Reports (ACR) by the principal.


Welfare measures Staff Co-Operative Credit Society is maintained by the college for the welfare of teaching and non-teaching staff. The college management is organizing get-together, picnics and high-tea on the occasions of National festivals and new year day. Sweets are distributed to the staff on the occasion of founders day. Entertainment programs are conducted for giving a break from hectic academic schedule. 

Measures for the career development and progression: Faculty members are encouraged to attend seminars, conferences, workshops for the enrichment of their academic and research work. Faculty Development programs for career development are arranged through UGC XI th,  XII plan grants and RUSA funds. Faculty members are encouraged to attend refresher and orientation courses, seminars, training and financial incentives are provided by the college.


Performance appraisal system

Performance Appraisal System-Non-Teaching: The Non-teaching staff performance is recorded by the principal annually in the form of annual confidential reports.


6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years















6.3.2  SOP 6.3.2


6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years Total number of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years











6.3.3 6.3.4 Total number of non-teaching staff year wise during the last five years

















Non-Teaching Staff Details


Key Indicator- 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization (10)


6.4.1 Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ non- government organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external) Write description in a maximum of 500 words(Qlm)


Financial audits: Internal auditing has been conducted by the finance committee of the college quarterly and the college auditor will do internal audit every year. External audit is being done every year by the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Government of A.P. Internal - external audits are conducted regularly. Internal auditor is appointed by the college Society. College has a separate mechanism to ensure financial discipline. Finance officer will monitor financial transactions. Each payment voucher is signed by an accounts officer. Auditor checks whether all funds received from various funding agencies are utilized as per guidelines and utilization certificate is sent to the respective agency. External audit is done annually after completion of the financial year. External auditor is also appointed by the parent society. External auditor checks whether proper procedure is followed for utilization of grants received (if any) as well as whether expenditure is allowed under a particular head and its limit. 


Mobilization of resources: The involvement of alumni in providing financial assistance to their alma mater is very important for the maintenance and development of an institution. By virtue of the benevolence of the founder,  endowment prizes have been constituted in the name of several alumni and retired teachers. The endowment prizes are given away each year to meritorious students from different sources. It raises  funds from alumni, philanthropists, former staff members. The Purchasing Committee monitors the selection of necessary items. Every year the budget is prepared taking into consideration requirements of each department, office and various committees. Utilization of budgeted amounts is closely monitored.

Utilization of Resources: All the academic and physical support facilities, sports facilities are utilized optimally. The college supports all Government activities, like COVID isolation center, Government recruitment exams, University distance education center, NCC exams, sports events, Government officers meeting, elections and college infrastructure is utilized optimally. The college facilities are utilized by students, Government and general public throughout the year 24x7.




6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)


6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies   and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities Write description in a maximum of 500 words


Quality assurance process: incremental improvement- The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes  of the institution. It is constantly working on quality improvement in academic administrative, extension activities of the college. Implementation and documentation of all activities is an important step for reviewing outcomes. Strategies in the areas of teaching learning process, evaluation reforms and curriculum content delivery are periodically monitored intune with the curriculum feedback. Low rate of progression to higher education and employment is a concern for the IQAC. Low research output is also addressed by organizing seminars on research methodology. Capacity Building Programs for students, teaching and administrative staff are conducted throughout the year. Awareness about research-based pedagogies is generated through workshops and interactive discussions. It tries to involve extramural support by roping in professional bodies for MoUs and FDPs. Training programs on online teaching-learning processes were conducted. Induction program for teachers and Trainer's Training on teaching pedagogies for newly inducted teachers are arranged. Seminars, presentations and discussion sessions are arranged to share and exchange the various teaching methodologies adopted. It also organizes training sessions for defining learning outcomes and also for its attainment. Every teacher is expected to submit a work done report periodically on teaching learning process and co-curricular and extracurricular activity. Every year the teacher is expected to fill the annual  Performance Based Appraisal Form.


Teaching learning process- improvement- Under the aegis of IQAC the academic planning committee prepares a detailed academic plan for each academic year and ensures optimum utilization of the available infrastructure. Academic Calendar is prepared and uploaded on the institutional website.


AQAR 2023-24 6.4.3
Annual Report 2023-24
Annual Report 2023-24