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CO PO Statements

CO PO Statements

Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework for Undergraduate Education


The fundamental premise underlying the learning outcomes-based approach to curriculum planning and development is that higher education qualifications such as a Bachelor’s Degree programmes are awarded on the basis of demonstrated achievement of outcomes (expressed in terms of knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values) and academic standards expected of graduates of a programme of study. Learning outcomes specify what graduates completing a particular programme of study are expected to know, understand and be able to do at the end of their programme of study. The expected learning outcomes are used as reference points that would help formulate graduate attributes, qualification descriptors, programme learning outcomes and course learning outcomes which in turn will help in curriculum planning and development, and in the design, delivery and review of academic programmes. They provide general guidance for articulating the essential learnings associated with programmes of study and courses with in a programme.

The overall objectives of the learning outcomes-based curriculum framework are to: 

1) Help formulate graduate attributes, qualification descriptors, programme learning outcomes and course learning outcomes that are expected to be demonstrated by the holder of a qualification; 

enable prospective students, parents, employers and others to understand the nature and level of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) or attributes a graduate of a programme should be capable of demonstrating on successful completion of the programme of study; 

2) Maintain national standards and international comparability of learning outcomes and academic standards to ensure global competitiveness, and to facilitate student/graduate mobility; and 

3)  Provide higher education institutions an important point of reference for designing teaching-learning strategies, assessing student learning levels, and periodic review of programmes and academic standards.

The program outcomes are drafted by the college academic committee for the BA/BCOM/BSC programs separately  based on the following skills as per the suggestions from UGC.


PO Skills
PO1 Critical thinking
PO2 Effective communication
PO3 Social interaction
PO4 Effective citzenship
PO5 Ethics
PO6 Environment and sustainability
PO7 Self-directed and Life-long learning
PSO 8 Academic competance
PSO 9 Personal and Professional Competence
PSO 10 Research Competence
PSO 11 Entrepreneurial and Social Competence




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